A Comfy Face Mask

As soon as our local designers started making face masks, my mom was started buying them for our whole family, trying to find the most comfortable options. Thanks to her thoughtfulness, I have had quite a few different designs and materials to try out and get used to. The last couple of months have taught me that: (1) It’s crucial that the mask is snug against my face but doesn’t tug/pull on my ears. (2) I prefer the filter pocket, so I can add a carbon filter. (3) My face is smaller than my bf’s… And that leads me to this particular mask pictured above. I initially purchased this because of what I read in positive reviews, it’s stretchy, and it comes with its own disposable filters. As it turns out, my bf had a hard time finding a mask that not only fit his longer (handsome) jawline but felt soft enough that he could withstand wearing it all day at work. I am happy to say that he not only loves this mask because he can comfortably wear it all day, but this mask reminds him of Mortal Kombat (LOL). Since there are several more colors to choose from, I might just order one for myself!

Author: honoluluchic

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